Did you know you are getting more than just a DELICIOUS comfort bowl of hot cereal when you eat OATS for breakfast?
OATS - Are considered nutritionally superior to many other unfortified cereals - Are a good source of dietary soluble fibre, especially B-glucans (help to lower cholesterol & has anti-diabetic activity) - Contain many PHYTOCHEMICALS that contribute to their health benefits besides fibre - Contain unique avenanthramides (AVAs) that have potential ANTIOXIDANT, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING benefits - Provide an ANTI-ITCH effect
EATING OATS (AND OAT PRODUCTS) may help to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease 💋💋
(Ref: "Oats, More Than Just A Fibre: The Role of Unique Bioactive Avenanthramides")